
Pdf in photoscore lite dropping key signature
Pdf in photoscore lite dropping key signature

The only things I corrected in PhotoScore were rhythm errors, clef errors and key signature errors, then I exported the xml file directly into Dorico. I spent time experimenting to find the best settings for my scanner to produce the fewest errors. I have found that it is best to work within the limitations of the program rather than trying to get it to do things that Dorico does much better. It still needed proofreading but the saving in time was considerable. To recreate the score from scratch in Dorico would have taken ages but I had a working (but not perfect) copy in about two hours. There were extensive double, triple and quadruple stops in the strings, and multiple articulations on many notes.

pdf in photoscore lite dropping key signature

I was faced with rescuing a 58 page chamber orchestra score and was able to use PhotoScore Lite to bring it directly into Dorico Pro. I underscore Marc’s comments completely about PhotoScore.

Pdf in photoscore lite dropping key signature